Minimize the environmental impact of your business growth.
Net zero impact & green house gas emmissions is our ultimate target.
Not only say it, but also do it. More and more business relations are tired of the so called 'green washing'.
Because Gecko Company has worked on so many projects with a wide variety of carbon footprint reducing technologies, we can contribute to your business strategy, while making it sustainable. Our interim management services integregrate them in the deployment of your renewed strategy.
A large share of our assignments is in the field of sustainability and the energy transition. We have broad knowledge in the scope of alternative energy sources and their worldwide developments. Also assignments, where mainly emission reduction of sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter are the main topics, belong to our portfolio.
Meanwhile, we are involved in the business- and product development processes addressing the 'hot topic' of carbon dioxides (CO2) capture & storage ór utilization.
Both in the areas of international regulations and technologies.